January 2008 – China holiday

Our January meeting should have included a talk by Mrs Parker entitled ‘4 Weddings and a Funeral’. Sadly on that day she was actually attending a funeral so could not be with us. A member, Mrs Iris Hitchen, who has joined us fairly recently, stepped into the breach with her husband Terry to show us slides and tell us about their first holiday in China which took place in 2003. Their main purpose in traveling was to see the Three Gorges before the flooding caused by the massive hydro-electric dam became too severe. They were also very lucky, through their participation in a foreign students hosting scheme to meet the parents of a boy called Oliver (Chinese despite his name) who had stayed with them over one Christmas. Their trip started in Shanghai and ended in Hong Kong, and in between they visited Beijing with its Summer Palace, Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square where students came up to them wanting to practice their English.
V E Bines


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