January Meeting 2024

Our last meeting of 2023 was a Christmas party. The committee greeted members with a glass of mulled wine, which really got the conversation going, and then, unusually for Christmas, we had a takeaway fish and chips lunch! After a brief business meeting, we indulged in tea and mince pies to accompany a topical question. There were moans and groans and much laughter about the questions but at last a winner was declared.

To finish the fun and games there was Pass the Parcel with forfeits! Happily, they were not too embarrassing. The final event of the day was to vote on the pretty table decorations which were the subject of this month’s competition. We all agreed we had had a wonderful afternoon and were now quite in the Christmas spirit!

To start the New Year our January meeting featured a visit from the charity ActivLives. Julie and Laura gave us a taster session of the sorts of exercises they do with their Better Balance groups. Sitting on our chairs, arms width apart, we practised a few moves and then launched into a routine enjoying some rock and roll music to keep us in time! The concentration in the room was palpable as was the relief when we could rest. Then we did it all again! It was good fun and showed us how easy it is to exercise sitting down and it warmed us up on a cold afternoon. Following the activity there was a short talk about the charity and all the other activities they organise. These include Activ gardens, Activ sport, Activ singing, Activ sheds as well as the exercise classes.

If you would like to spend an afternoon with K & F WI, we meet on the second Thursday each month at 2.00pm in the Village Hall. New members are always welcome.

Our talks this year range from ‘Dressing the Tudors’ to ‘East Coast Truckers’ and from ‘Martlesham Wilds’ to ‘The Work of the Dogs Trust’, to name just a few. After the talk there is always tea and cakes and time for a chat.

For more information contact chriswelling@rocketmail.com

S Fothergill


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