Next meeting – April 12th 2012
Recipe Afternoon
Prepare and bring along your favourite recipe for a tasting session
Competition – handmade box to take nine truffles (not fabric)
No Trading Stall


I received a very nice letter this morning from Nacton W.I. thanking Kirton and Falkenham for their hospitality on the instance of our 91st birthday meeting. They commented on the warm welcome that was extended to them, the charming speaker, the delicious food and the jolly good company. I think this just about sums up the event that took place on the afternoon of March 8th, the second Thursday of the month. As I think I have previously explained, we decided to move our celebration from October, when it always clashes with preparations for our AGM, to the other half of the year, so this party took place just 6 months after the last one, a happening which seemed only yesterday in terms of time passing. However we were determined not to stint on the jollifications and I think we succeeded.
We decided to confine our invitations solely to neighbouring W.I.s due to the limitations of the hall, so apologies to other village organizations and friends who have been invited in the past. However you are always welcome to drop in on us at any of our meetings. Instead of an outside caterer we appealed to the members to bring food and they rose to the occasion magnificently, providing a wonderful spread. The birthday cake, beautifully iced, was made by Mrs June Wells and cut by Linda Leigh, our W.I. Advisor. Many thanks to all for your hard work including those who helped get the hall ready. After we had got through a certain amount of routine business which included sending a board round to canvass names for an outing to Taverham Shopping Complex, organised by Trimley W.I, it was time to settle down and give ear to our speaker who was going to conduct an Antiques Road Show.
Mr James Fletcher is the brother-in-law of Maddy Rhodes and it was she who originally gave us the idea of inviting him. Members and guests were encouraged to bring things they wanted valued and we soon had a table-full of curious and unusual objects. Mr Fletcher has worked in the antiques business for many years so he knew what he was talking about. Nobody went away with the prospect of becoming a millionaire but he gave us much interesting information including some pretty shrewd estimates of the age of most of the offerings.
Among the items on display were two framed jigsaw puzzles that had belonged to Beatty Pepper which we were hoping to find a good home for. In the end the one displaying a picture of a Bloomfields’ removal van was presented to the firm in question, much to their delight, while the other, of two shire horses ploughing, was sold later on to a member of the gardening club, the money going to swell W.I. funds. Beatty would have been pleased.
V. E. Bines


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