November 2009 – AGM


In November we hold our Annual General Meeting when we look back on the past year and confirm people in the offices for the next twelve months. As far as President, Secretary and Treasurer are concerned there will be no change: Mrs Iris Hitchen will be President, I will continue as Secretary and Mrs Judy Walker will be Treasurer. All three candidates were proposed and seconded. There have been two resignations from the committee: Mrs Beatty Pepper and Miss Joyce Mann. Both were presented with thankyou gifts for their sterling work. Fortunately Mrs Elizabeth Sugarman has agreed to join us so we will still have a committee of seven. The Secretary and Treasurer gave their reports. We have a comfortable amount in the kitty to see us through the next few months although some speakers are pricing them selves out of our range.

The overall winners of the year’s competitions were announced; Mrs Pepper and Miss Bines came joint third, Mrs Dickerson and Miss Mann were joint second and Mrs Redditt was first. Iris thanked everyone for their help throughout the year with tasks such as doing the teas (everyone), organizing the tea rota and running the trading stall (Mrs Butterworth), running the raffle and contacting the speakers (Mrs Copping), and organizing the competition and making the birthday posies (Mrs Pepper). Mrs Pepper and Mrs Rhodes were also thanked for taking the minutes. Mrs Copping then thanked the President, Secretary and Treasurer for their contributions.

The official business being over with we could then turn our attention to Mrs Dawn Gale who came to give us a taste of her Exercise, Movement and Dance class. She runs this every Tuesday at the church hall from 1.30pm to 3.00pm. Although the ladies of the W.I. are of varying abilities as far as mobility is concerned several of us were prepared to get up and give it a go. The rest managed some of the fairly gentle exercises sitting down. We ended the twenty minute session feeling warm and invigorated. It was then time for tea when any weight we might have lost was probably put straight back on again as we indulged ourselves with delicious cakes!



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