In October Kirton and Falkenham W.I. celebrates its birthday and this year we were eighty nine years young. Next year we will pass the milestone of our ninetieth year and we are already thinking up ways to celebrate. Our president Iris Hitchen was unable to be present at the meeting as she is recovering from an operation so May Copping, our vice president, took the chair.
We always invite a good number of guests to our party from neighbouring W.Is. and also from other village organizations. On this occasion we were pleased to find that nearly everyone was able to come and in fact the members present were outnumbered by the guests. The village hall was bursting at the seams! It was really nice to see so many familiar and friendly faces and we hope that some of them might consider joining us on a permanent basis.
We just about had enough chairs and cups and saucers to go round and all our members clubbed together to produce a sumptuous spread. The birthday cake was made and iced by June Wells with her usual professionalism. Because of this we also asked her to do us the honour of cutting the first slice after which we all had the chance to have a piece. As usual we worried whether we would have enough food and as usual we over-provided, but not by a great deal. Better too much than too little!
To entertain us we had a demonstration of flower arranging by Diana Harrold (Not Diane she emphasised!) and it certainly was entertaining. As her gopher she had Yvonne Lambert and the two of them put on a double act on a par with Hinge and Brackett or Morcombe and Wise. We could well believe they had rehearsed the whole thing. Besides providing some laughs Diana also gave us many useful tips about making an attractive arrangement. In the old days arrangers used upside-down nails stuck to a metal disk plus chicken wire to anchor their flowers – now the universal medium is Oasis which only takes a few minutes to become thoroughly saturated. The plan is to ensure that all the mechanics such as plastic bowls, Oasis, wire and tape are hidden by foliage after which the flowers are added. She believes in elevating the arrangement on, for instance, a cake stand and a turntable is useful when constructing the assemblage. Her mother bought her one for twenty pounds which she considered an astronomical sum and never let her forget it!
Diana was thanked for her presentation by our treasurer, Judy Walker, a friend of hers, and we ended with a few words from Linda Leigh our W.I. advisor.

V E Bines


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