Towards the end of July, we were invited to a strawberry tea in the garden of our president Mrs Iris Hitchen. On the day in question about fifteen of us assembled at her house ready for a pleasant social occasion. Besides the strawberries and cream we ate cheese straws provided by Beatty Pepper, scones and shortbread, and drank Iris’s home made wine. Many thanks to our president for giving us such an enjoyable afternoon.
On the thirteenth of August Maddy Rhodes organized a coach to take us to Bury St Edmunds. This was a perfect day weather wise, bright but not too hot. Bury is such an attractive little town with many things of historical interest such as the Abbey and the Theatre. It is also a very good shopping centre. Thanks to Maddy for making it all possible.
Our speaker Jeff Moore came to talk to us about the Felixstowe Seafarers’ Centre. A Christian organization, the Seafarers Centre does a vital job in looking after the welfare of crews that come into the container port from all over the world. They work round the clock to provide such things as computers and internet access so that crewmembers can communicate with their families on the other side of the world. They also supply food, warm clothing, books, games, CDs, videos and anything else that is needed. We can help by donating these items.


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