Susan’s Witterings May 2024


Not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 gas leaks in the village! That must be a record in 3 weeks. Apparently the village gas main was put in in 1935. The first was outside the White Horse, the second was an emergency in Falkenham Road by the village green. This caused chaos whilst people had to negotiate round diversions to enter or exit the village. It was a huge disappointment when someone reported to me that cars were driving across the green because they could not be bothered to follow diversions. Do people not have any pride in our village any more. Rant over. The third is yet to cause chaos at the junction of Rectory Lane and Church Lane. This one is not deemed to be an emergency and has been repaired in several places before. It will be ‘Scheduled Works’ so the chaos will be organised! The fourth was in the old pipework under the Church Hall Floor which had been put under concrete 50 years ago and the pipes have deteriorated. New pipes have to be put in following a different route. The lovely Cadent chap who was organising the sticking plasters on 1935 pipes said it is only a matter of time before all the gas pipes in the village will have to replaced. It’s my guess that that will happen just after the roads have been carefully restored to pristine condition by Highways. Was that a pig I just saw flying over? Hey Ho, that’s life. We still haven’t recovered from the new water main going in down Church Lane.



We are doing a lot of planning for this. At least 36 classic cars will be arriving on the day. Motor Bikes, Tractors, Galactic Troopers, Majorettes, Bubbles, Free Facepainting and Free Sparkly Tattoos, Football games, and Boxing demonstrations. Food, drinks, lovely home made cakes and Pizzas. Tombolas. Many stalls but we can still take a few more bookings, only £12 a stall. Don’t forget the Fun Dog Show, enter on the day. Sophie the dog trainer will also be there giving all dog owners something to aspire to! Lots of free things for children to enjoy. No entrance fee and plenty of free parking. What more could you want?


We have 2 raised beds which have suddenly become available on our allotments at £12 each. If you or your children are keen to grow your own fruit, flowers or veg please contact me and I will show you where they are.

The Community Woodland is doing well, if you would like to plant a tree in memory of someone please contact me in the first instance. There are regular working parties, keeping brambles under control whilst keeping some areas for wildlife to thrive. Its very peaceful sitting listening to the birdsong.

Susan 01394 448780 07786392878


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