Village News

Village Pump (blog)

  • The Fat Lady Sings in Little Grimley

    Kirton and Falkenham Performing Arts present

    a light supper followed by:

    The Fat Lady Sings in

    Little Grimley

    A one act comedy by David Tristram (With permission from Concord Theatricals)

    Friday 18th and Saturday 19th October 2024 7.30 pm

    Kirton Church Hall (doors open 7 pm)

    Tickets £12.50 (including booking fee) available from call 03336666 3366 or scan this QR code

    please bring what you like to drink

  • Susan’s Witterings May 2024


    Not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 gas leaks in the village! That must be a record in 3 weeks. Apparently the village gas main was put in in 1935. The first was outside the White Horse, the second was an emergency in Falkenham Road by the village green. This caused chaos whilst people had to negotiate round diversions to enter or exit the village. It was a huge disappointment when someone reported to me that cars were driving across the green because they could not be bothered to follow diversions. Do people not have any pride in our village any more. Rant over. The third is yet to cause chaos at the junction of Rectory Lane and Church Lane. This one is not deemed to be an emergency and has been repaired in several places before. It will be ‘Scheduled Works’ so the chaos will be organised! The fourth was in the old pipework under the Church Hall Floor which had been put under concrete 50 years ago and the pipes have deteriorated. New pipes have to be put in following a different route. The lovely Cadent chap who was organising the sticking plasters on 1935 pipes said it is only a matter of time before all the gas pipes in the village will have to replaced. It’s my guess that that will happen just after the roads have been carefully restored to pristine condition by Highways. Was that a pig I just saw flying over? Hey Ho, that’s life. We still haven’t recovered from the new water main going in down Church Lane.



    We are doing a lot of planning for this. At least 36 classic cars will be arriving on the day. Motor Bikes, Tractors, Galactic Troopers, Majorettes, Bubbles, Free Facepainting and Free Sparkly Tattoos, Football games, and Boxing demonstrations. Food, drinks, lovely home made cakes and Pizzas. Tombolas. Many stalls but we can still take a few more bookings, only £12 a stall. Don’t forget the Fun Dog Show, enter on the day. Sophie the dog trainer will also be there giving all dog owners something to aspire to! Lots of free things for children to enjoy. No entrance fee and plenty of free parking. What more could you want?


    We have 2 raised beds which have suddenly become available on our allotments at £12 each. If you or your children are keen to grow your own fruit, flowers or veg please contact me and I will show you where they are.

    The Community Woodland is doing well, if you would like to plant a tree in memory of someone please contact me in the first instance. There are regular working parties, keeping brambles under control whilst keeping some areas for wildlife to thrive. Its very peaceful sitting listening to the birdsong.

    Susan 01394 448780 07786392878

  • Susan’s Witterings for March

    Spring is here! Snowdrops are amazing this year and are joined by Daffodils and Crocuses. Birds are singing their hearts out and new buds are showing in our gardens and by the roadsides. I love this time of year, it lifts the spirits and gives us hope for the year, a fresh new start. Nature is wonderful, adaptable and dependable whatever humans throw at it! ‘Our’ village partridges are wandering around in Meadowlands looking for somewhere to lay their eggs. Spring also brings a flurry of hard work in the gardens but we are aware that we might still get snow. We have had enough rain for a while though farmer’s reservoirs need to be full for later in the year. Have you seen the size of the sugar beet this year? They are massive.

    Suffolk Day 22nd June

    A small team is planning our villages’ Suffolk Day if you would like to help with this please contact me. New ideas are always welcome. It is for your fun and enjoyment and we offer as much free entertainment for children as possible. If anyone would like to have a stall please get in touch. We hope to have the Dog Show and a display by an excellent dog trainer. We are always looking for acts for the main ring and entertainers. Any village activities and groups are invited to get involved. Our Suffolk day presents what goes on locally in our very special unique part of Suffolk. We hope to have the display of Tractors, past and present, motor bikes and Classic cars and Jim the Suffolk Horse.

    Nassau Trust

    There are some raised beds available to rent to try your hand at growing your own produce. Easy to weed, don’t have to bend down, excellent fruit and veg, advice from many allotment holders only too pleased to share their knowledge. We also have one small allotment available. How about taking it on with a friend? If you are in a flat it would give you some outside space. Let children experience growing their own food.

    The Trust is also here for people in our own village if they need a little bit of financial help occasionally. If you know anyone in need please get in touch with me. It is all dealt with in confidence.

    The mini top up box on my drive is still in use please donate foodstuffs and if you take anything and can afford to please pop a few pence through my letter box, it all helps to support the purpose of this box and keeps it topped up.

    Flooding and Potholes

    My witterings are not complete without mentioning these! Park Lane, Trimley Road, Falkenham Road, Back Lane, Grays Orchard, the list is endless. I do think that whatever the workmen did on Falkenham Road has eased the situation slightly. We have had so much rain. Potholes can be reported to Highways on 0345 606 6171

    or go to the Suffolk Highways reporting tool.

    Susan Harvey

    May Cottage 29 Falkenham Road. 448780. or 07786392878

  • Eastern Angles March 16
  • Susan’s Witterings – Feb 2024

    Well here we are again already one month in to 2024 how time flies. The Christmas lights are down and trees have been packed away for another year and we sigh and say ‘back to normal’. I like Christmas as most surfaces are covered in cards and candles which means I don’t need to dust! As many of you who know me realise this is never very high on my agenda! Not too many needles from the Christmas tree this year either, possibly as I bought it early and gave it lots of water. I know they are harder work but I do love the piney smell. Some of our decorations were given to my brother as a 2 year old by neighbours and they were old then. Every year I unwrap each precious glass ornament and delicately hang them on the tree. Each decoration is valued. We also have candles on the tree.

    What is normal? We live in wonderful villages with lots of things going on. How about trying something new this year. There are lots of classes advertised on the ‘Village Page’ in this review. Short Mat Bowls, Table tennis on the Recreation ground as well as football, Gardening Club, WI, Line Dancing, Pilates, Judo, Whist Drives, Chair exercises to help with balance and help to prevent falls, Dorian Singers, Community Tea Shop, Methodist Coffee morning. How about visiting the Mobile Library? We once took the award for being the Most Active Village.

    We have a wonderful Scout, Cub and Beaver unit for girls and boys in the village. Have you thought about being a helper or becoming a leader or taking your children along? Scouting is excellent fun for all ages and the youngsters get a lot out of gaining experience in practical skills. A couple of hours a week volunteering is not a lot to commit to. All these things are run on your doorstep for everyone to enjoy.

    Nassau Trust

    We have allotments for local people to rent, we have one spare at the moment. We also have a couple of raised beds free if people want to try to grow small amounts of produce at waist height. These allotments produce an amazing amount of fruit and veg and there is always someone who will be happy to give advice. Why buy imported veg when you can grow your own! Contact me if you would like to look around our allotments with a view to renting one.

    The Trust also supports people in the village who are struggling to make ends meet when too many bills come in at once.

    Our Mini Top Up Box is still on our driveway which contains all kinds of things for people to take. People are very generous with donations both monetary and supplies. There are leaflets in there should anyone wish to take one with Trust contact details on.

    The Falkenham Road Flood

    Having had a lot of water on the road since 20th October I was surprised to see lights flashing outside our bedroom window at 11.00pm just before Christmas. No they were not neighbours’ Christmas lights but big orange ones on vehicles pumping water. One on Fakenham Rd and one on Meadowlands corner. In the morning all the water had gone. The recent rain caused another flood but it disappeared within a couple of days. Watch this space and if it floods please, drivers, do slow down, pedestrians are getting fed up with being splashed as they try to make their way through the flood.

    Please contact me for any information.

    Susan Harvey. May Cottage, 29,Falkenham Road. 01394 448780 07786392878

  • Deben Flower Club


    The next meeting of the Flower club will be on Tuesday 9th May 2023 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
    Our demonstrator will be Elizabeth Robertson demonstrating the intriguing title “My Family and Other Animals.”
    Visitors are always welcome £6.00. Tea coffee and biscuits will be available after the demonstration. Elizabeth’s arrangements will be raffled and there will be a fundraising plant sale.
    If you require further information, please email  or telephone Sandy on 07910 463158

  • Suffolk Day


    24th June 2023 from 12.00 to 4.00pm

    Kirton & Falkenham Recreation Ground (Back Road) will be alive with events celebrating our local area. There will be tractors, motor bikes, Suffolk horses, etc. We have booked JoJo the excellent face painter who will be painting faces for free and Steff will keep us entertained blowing bubbles. Lots of free entertainment for children and things to try.

    The Grand Ring will host the Fun Dog Show, Poloz Majorettes, motor bikes and a display by Sophie the amazing Dog Trainer. Dogs can be entered for the Dog Show on the day at £1.00 a class.

    Our Scouts will provide the BBQ and White Gold will be there with their fish and chips; in addition there will be local Kirton Pizzas and Ice Creams to enjoy. Tea, coffee and cakes will be available in the Pavilion all day and beer and wines at the ‘Bar’.

    Local people will run stalls selling all kinds of items plus there will be a Grand Draw.

    Take this opportunity to enjoy and celebrate living in our lovely part of Suffolk.

    Information from

  • Flower Festival

    Deben Flower Club Presents
    Musicals in Flowers
    Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th June At St Mary’s & St Martin’s Church, Kirton IP10 0PT
    Refreshments Available 10am-4pm Afternoon Tea (Pre—Bookings Only) Raffle & Plant Sale
    Contact: Or 07910 463158
    Free Entry. Donations welcomed.

  • Eastern Angles


    Eastern Angles will be performing “Medieval Miracles”, Two Tales of Mischief, Devils and Song at Kirton Church Hall on 13th May, at 7.30 pm. 
    Tickets costing £12.50 are available from or phone 07307 527802

  • Falkenham Bells


    I expect many of you have been aware of the Ring for the King project, what with it being on the news a few times! This has been a call for new and lapsed ringers to ring on Coronation day, so that all the bells in the country can celebrate on the day. To do this, we have been training up new recruits all over the country, and encouraging lapsed ringers to take part, so that we have sufficient numbers to perform this mammoth task.

    At Falkenham, I have been teaching two new students (it takes about 15 hours to learn to handle the bell, but obviously not all done in one session!) and we have a lapsed ringer as well. This is really good news for Falkenham as we need to build up our numbers. If you been out and about on Thursday evenings or Saturday mornings, you may have heard a single bell ringing. That’s our learners practising and doing very well, too, I have to say.

    If you’d like to see how it’s done, just let me know at the email address at the bottom and we can arrange for you to have a go and see whether you’d like to carry on and learn properly. There’s more to it than meets the eye!

    Lesley Barrell mail[at[

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