
I expect many of you have been aware of the Ring for the King project, what with it being on the news a few times! This has been a call for new and lapsed ringers to ring on Coronation day, so that all the bells in the country can celebrate on the day. To do this, we have been training up new recruits all over the country, and encouraging lapsed ringers to take part, so that we have sufficient numbers to perform this mammoth task.

At Falkenham, I have been teaching two new students (it takes about 15 hours to learn to handle the bell, but obviously not all done in one session!) and we have a lapsed ringer as well. This is really good news for Falkenham as we need to build up our numbers. If you been out and about on Thursday evenings or Saturday mornings, you may have heard a single bell ringing. That’s our learners practising and doing very well, too, I have to say.

If you’d like to see how it’s done, just let me know at the email address at the bottom and we can arrange for you to have a go and see whether you’d like to carry on and learn properly. There’s more to it than meets the eye!

Lesley Barrell mail[at[lesleybarrell.plus.com


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