Next Meeting: 2pm on Thursday, 14th April at Kirton Village Hall
Speaker: David Webb known for his role in the TV series Hi de Hi.
Competition: A holiday photograph from the 1980’s.
Our Christmas/Winter lunch very nearly became a Spring lunch this year due to Covid restrictions but we did manage to meet up on Thursday 3rd March and enjoy our festive get together at The Ferry Boat Inn with a meal well worth waiting for!
This was a busy week for some of our members who also attended the South East Federation of W.I.’s Annual meeting. This is always an important event in the WI calendar as it gives us the opportunity to catch up with the staff and Trustees of our Federation, learn about our local charities and be introduced to some remarkable women from the Suffolk community. To round off the day we are always entertained by a celebrity and this year the speaker was Tim FitzHigham, an English comedian, author, artist and world record holder. The feats he has performed include paddling a paper boat down 257.5 km of the River Thames, rowing a bathtub across the English Channel, and inflating the world’s largest man-inflated balloon and what a great story he had to tell.
This month was also our Birthday when we celebrated 101 years of our WI with a scrumptious tea provided by our members. June Wells made our Birthday cake and our speaker was Jane Paul from Suffolk Community Foundation, who gave us a presentation about the role they play within Suffolk by helping organisations and individuals with grants of money and we all wore hats in support of Brain Tumour Research. Toiletries and personal products were collected for Ukraine and, all in all, this has been quite a month!

Chris Welling, Secretary.
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