October 2008 – Birthday + Chocolate & sweet making

It was our birthday meeting in October. 87 years young! It’s amazing that the W.I. has been in existence in Kirton for all that length of time. How different the village and the people that lived there must have been when it was first founded.
As usual we invited members from several other W.I.s and also from a number of village organizations. It is really nice to see a lot of new faces, both familiar and unfamiliar, and to prove to our guests that we are still alive and kicking. Perhaps the word will spread and we may attract some new members. We were also pleased to welcome Linda Leigh, our W.I. Advisor, from Suffolk East Federation. The committee provided a sumptuous spread, both savoury and sweet, which was greatly appreciated. The birthday cake was made by Brenda Redditt and beautifully iced by June Wells who unfortunately could not be with us. It was cut by Mary Butterworth.
In keeping with the party theme our speaker Mrs Barbara Shaw came from Blundeston to demonstrate chocolate and sweet making, the results of which we later sampled with our tea. As she worked her way through recipes for Marzipan Slices, Coffee and Walnut Creams, Chocolate Truffles and two sorts of Chocolate Fruit Surprises she livened things up by telling jokes from a joke book she has had published. Here are two examples:-
A couple who were having trouble conceiving asked the local priest for a blessing. When he arrived he realized that he had forgotten his anointing oil. The husband produced some oil from his shed. In due time triplets were born and the couple were sincerely grateful. ‘However,’ said the wife, ‘it’s a good job he used 3 in 1 and not WD40!’
A men’s club held a meeting with a speaker once a week. On one occasion the speaker failed to arrive and the chairman was asked to fill in. ‘But I don’t know what to say.’ He protested. ‘Just give us a talk on your favourite subject.’ he was advised. So he spoke for half an hour about sex. Going home he told his wife what had happened but felt it wise to change the subject of the talk from sex to sailing. The next day his wife was in the supermarket when a club member came up to say how much he had enjoyed her husband’s talk. ‘Well,’ she said, ‘I’m really surprised. It’s something he doesn’t know anything about. He’s only done it twice. The first time he was sick and the second time his hat blew off!’
V E Bines


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